Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Food Lover

Seriously though, who doesn't love food? Burger and fries, burritos, pasta and garlic bread, pastries, milkshakes, etc. *Sigh... I'm getting hungry just thinking about it all!!

As I have mentioned before, I am a Hospitality and Tourism major. As I have gotten more in depth in my studies, I have come to love the industry. I'm learning about small businesses, corporate businesses, restaurants, hotels and motels. I'm seeing the in's and out's of everything and I find it fascinating!

Honestly, I probably watch too much of the Food Network... (Can you say, addiction?) and it has encouraged a new dream job. I still have my career goals, but I've created a new item for my bucket list...  I've decided I'd like nothing more than to be hired to travel and eat new foods/cuisines. Can you imagine?? Me, the female Guy Fieri.

I love to photo document most aspects of my life, including my food adventures (this blog is a great example!). I think my show would be called.... Food & Photos ... is that lame? :) I'd go to places and taste the food that they are most popular for, and then post the photos and review on here! I don't know if that's a seller, but hey a girl can dream, right??

Friday, January 11, 2013

First Snow of 2013

There is nothing more beautiful than waking up in the morning, pouring yourself a cup of coffee, opening your blinds and seeing snow falling outside. Sigh... It is day #2 of snow fall here in Ashland. It is gorgeous! So far today, it hasn't stopped snowing. I'll take snow to the Portland rain, any day. 

Here are a couple images from yesterday's snowfall:

Bright and early! Walking to class at 8:30am

And by the end of the day....

Happy New Year, Bloggers!

Welcome to 2013, everyone! You have now, hopefully, survived about 11 days of January. I hope that your new year is full of new experiences, new relationships and that you fulfill your resolutions.

Speaking of, did you come up with a few resolutions? Some of you may have created a list of things that you wanted to do with your year... But allow me to make a recommendation: if you brainstorm 3-4 resolutions to work on for the 365 days of 2013.... You are more likely to accomplish them all.

Let's see here, if you say you want to work out more.. (cause we all know that's the #1 new year resolution...) That's not specific enough for you to follow! You should say, "I'm going to schedule 30 min a day, 4 days a week to work out." THEN you will follow through because you worked it into your schedule.
Also, find a workout buddy. I have recruited my boyfriend to help get my bootayy to the gym. In addition, I am enrolled in a Zumba class 2 nights a week (that's a fun and great cardio exercise!). Week #1 = Success!!

I hope you all are in good health (get your flu shots!) and that you are enjoying your new year.