Friday, December 7, 2012


Have you heard of Pinterest, yet? I swear, I'm addicted. Pin this, Pin that....I have 24 boards total. They range from Food/Drink, Nails, Clothing, Quotes.... I mean the list goes on.

I have baked and cooked a few recipes from the site.
I have learned a few cool new nail tricks to make my mani look way cooler than yours.
I have found crafts to make homemade gifts!

If you spend enough time on it you can learn how to redecorate your house, make a weeks worth of meals and shop for really cheap! And really, who doesn't like a good deal?

Thanks to Pinterest, I have planned my future wedding, made my own fitness plan, and planned where I am travelling to next.

If you are so inclined, go sign up and try it out. And when you do, follow a board of mine (or two).

Here is a link for My Boards! =]

Happy Pinning!

Sunday, December 2, 2012


This year marked the 3rd Annual Men's Rugby Movember Fundraiser... (dang, that was a mouthful) 
What is Movember, you may ask? During the month of November each year,  mustaches start sprouting on thousands of men’s faces, in the US and around the world. With their "mo's", these men raise vital awareness and funds for men's health issues, specifically prostate and testicular cancer initiatives.

Last night we celebrated all the 'staches that were grown during the 30 days of November. Awards were given for Creepiest, Most Suave, Best, Worst and Lack There Of. Base solely on applause, it was awesome to see who was in the running for each.

The women's team and I accompanied the men to the celebration and we also, donned fabulous 'staches.

This year, the Men's team raised (so far) $1089 for the cause. Yay!

Relay Kick Off

Yesterday at Northwest Pizza, Relay for Life of Ashland/So. Jackson County had this years kick off event! We decked the whole place out in purple and fun Relay information! 
Pizza, pictures, registration, information and lots of FUN! Our Super Committee was ready to give new and returning Relayers info all about this years event!

We now have a total of 19 teams and 72 participants... WOW! 

Thank you to all who came out to support our Relay.

Don't forget, you can still register! You can join an existing team or register a new one.
We would love to have you! Go Here.