Saturday, December 17, 2011

The Hunt 2011

We did it! And all the Mayfield's got one... In record time! :) Another Noble, of course.

Monday, November 21, 2011


First, there is the much needed Thanksgiving break. But then we are in Dead Week. Meaning.... The professors pile it on. "It" being stress and homework. So, here are a few tips to help relieve that stress:
  • Assigned something rather large and important? Get it started right away. I know that college kids are known for procrastinating and then thrive on caffeine. BUT-get it taken care of sooner than later and you will be glad you did later on.
  • To avoid that "overwhelmed" feeling, you should take a break every now and then from your work. A 5-10 min breather and mental break; take some deep breathes. Go for a little walk or call someone.
  • ^^ More along those lines, if you find the time, go exercise. It's a great way to get the blood flowing and clear your head. And it's a healthy way to blow off some steam.
  • Eat right! What you eat effects your performance.
  • Get some sleep! You will retain more of the information you have been studying if you go to bed earlier and get at least 6 hours of sleep.
Good luck on all your last papers, projects, and tests! :)

Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

Halloween: October 31. An American holiday where young kids beg for candy and teenage girls dress like... Well, you know what I mean.
Not my favorite holiday in the entire world, but I may as well celebrate with a little candy corn.

Approaching Midterms....

Well, we are in week #6. Professors are cracking down and a lot of us have mountains of homework. You can deduce that it is time for the dreaded midterms. I can see bags under peoples eyes and the line in the coffee shop is generally longer. I see more and more people wearing sweatpants and pajama pants to class. Caffeine will be everyone's lifesaver as we get less and less sleep. (Procrastination!)

Friday, September 9, 2011

Back to School 2011-12 (Round 1)

Jordan is a Senior in high school this year. Man, that is hard to believe. Where does time go? At his first football game last week he was a captain. And they won! What a way to start their season. I am looking forward to coming home and seeing him at Senior Awards Nights and especially graduation :) I can't wait to see where his life takes him :)

As for me... I have another 2 weeks until classes start. Gonna move in around the 22nd of this month. Yay!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Summer of '11

Where to even begin? I have had quite the summer. I have had been fortunate enough to score 2 jobs this summer: Subway again, and Xerox. Working full time (M-F) at Xerox and weekends at Subway. What does that mean? A growing bank account! That and that I am tired and don't do much else. Not complaining too much.

Back in July, I got to take a weekend trip over to Eastern Oregon. Road trip with Hannah Fair to see her apartment and my boyfriend, Richard. The weekend after that I got to go and see Katy Perry in concert with my BFF Hannah Porter. That was an unforgettable evening.

With the money that I have been saving this summer I was able to purchase my first car! Found her on Craigslist from a nice couple out in Rockaway Beach. She is a 1989 Volvo 240 sedan. Her name is Violet.. I am very excited to have bought it with my own money! Also, this month was the Mayfield Beach Retreat. The 4 of us went to Manzanita on Wednesday and stayed there for 2 nights before meeting up with the rest of the Mayfield's outside of Lincoln City at a house. It was a great weekend get-away with an awesome family.

Today is September 1st. I can hardly believe it. Only 21 more days until I go back to Ashland! :D Can't wait!