Thursday, November 8, 2012

Cancer Never Sleeps

I sure hope you aren't sick of reading about my Relay For Life efforts already... Cause this is just the beginning! 
Making Hope Happen!
Last weekend I traveled north with my fellow Committee members to Portland for the ACS Relay For Life Summit. We, Relay For Life of Ashland/So. Jackson County, got to meet our sister relays: Klamath County, Medford/Jackson County and Josephine County.

I had such a great time! It was great bonding for us as a committee and a great way for all of us to gather and bounce ideas off of other Relayers on other committees! There were Relayers from all over Oregon, Washington and even some from Nevada.

I am so ready to jump head first into this adventure! Raising money and fighting cancer in every way I can.

DON'T FORGET: You can register for a team, join an existing team, and/or make a donation.

Ashland/So. Jackson County: Go here.

Donate: Go here.

"The world is not interested in what we do for a living... What they are interested in is what we have to offer freely - hope, strength, love and the power to make a difference!" -Sasha Azevedo

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